Rent Maclaren Techno Umbrella Stroller
Maclaren strollers are high-end buggies with exceptional steering abilities. These umbrella strollers are travel-friendly and fold-up in a convenient umbrella stroller style. They feature multiple reclining positions, although not completely flat.
The review, courtesy of MadeforMums, highlights the innovation of Owen Maclaren, who transformed the stroller world in 1965 by designing the first lightweight umbrella stroller. Using his experience with the Supermarine Spitfire undercarriage, he created a collapsible aluminum tube structure that became the world’s first lightweight umbrella fold stroller. This design made Maclaren one of the top brands in the industry.
From nurseries to city streets, you’ll find a Maclaren umbrella stroller almost everywhere. The Techno XT is the flagship umbrella stroller, and while many brands have copied the umbrella fold stroller design, Maclaren remains ahead due to its quality and durability.
Is it a lightweight stroller?
Yes, although the Techno XT may not be as light as some of its competitors, at 7.1 kg, it’s still manageable. Despite its slightly bulkier look, the umbrella stroller compensates with durability and strength, easily handling the weight of older toddlers like my two-and-a-half-year-old Finn.
Is it sturdy?
Absolutely. The umbrella stroller is not only well-made and sturdy but also comes with a unique sovereign lifetime warranty. It’s designed to last throughout all your children’s stroller years.
Recline options?
The Techno XT stroller offers four recline positions, a five-second one-hand folding mechanism, and front and rear wheel suspension, making it a market leader for years.
How does it handle various terrains?
This umbrella stroller is light and easy to push on urban terrain. It works well on public transport, fitting through narrow aisles on buses and trains. While it struggles on rough terrain or long grass, the umbrella stroller’s suspension helps minimize the impact.
How does it fold?
The Techno XT uses Maclaren’s foolproof umbrella fold stroller mechanism, making it easy to fold one-handed, though it can feel slightly cumbersome due to the single locking clip.
Is it suitable for newborns?
No. Although Maclaren claims the Techno XT can be used from birth, this umbrella stroller doesn’t recline fully flat, so it’s best suited for babies 6 months and older.
Storage options?
The shopping basket of this umbrella stroller is considered small by many mums. Additionally, hanging shopping bags on the handles can cause the umbrella stroller to tip over when the baby is removed.
Who is the Techno XT best for?
This stroller is ideal for mums with babies 6 months and older who need a durable, lightweight option to use until their little one is walking independently.