Jogger Stroller: What Age Can a Baby Go In a Jogger?

2 July 2022
by Annelize Van Dyk

The weather is great and you're ready to explore outside with baby ☀️

But how do you know if the baby is ready to join you?

Here's a checklist before the baby is ready to go jogging with you in a jogger:

- your baby must have full head control since most joggers do not recline which means your child will be sitting upright

- wait until your child is 6 - 8 months of age minimum. Pediatricians say it's ideal if the baby is 1 year old as this prevents the possibility of suffocation if your baby's head falls forward which can restrict their breathing.

- follow your jogger's manufacturers guidelines and check for recalls

- make sure you have the right equipment for jogging and for baby whilst exploring the outdoors


The Christmas beetles are singing & the sun is shining brightly each day - perfect for outdoor strolls with your little one. However, do you really NEED a jogger to do this?

Well, let's firstly look at the difference between a jogger and a stroller:

Joggers: they are strong and durable - made for stability and to take a heavier weight. They often have fixed front wheels for better control, suspension for all terrain and tough wheels. They also tend to be wider and bigger than your typical stroller.

Strollers: they are lightweight and compact at the very least. Their wheels are smaller for this reason and their frame's slimmer. They are ideal for indoor experiences and outdoor walks from time to time in the neighbourhood. 

So, when do you then NEED a jogging stroller? FOR RUNNING ?

No matter how you look at it: you can't run with a normal stroller.

Not only are you going to struggle to push the stroller but it will be uncomfortable for your child too. Strollers are simply NOT built for speed and all terrain surfaces. 

Joggers are made for intense speed and uneven surfaces. They have 3 wheels in a triangle configuration that helps them to glide over rough terrains and a suspension system that allows them to absorb and decrease impacts of sudden 'shocks' on your baby.

If you find yourself in a dilemma, wanting a stroller strong enough for outdoors adventures but compact enough to use for every day life, there are a few options on the market that double up.

They can be difficult however to find or pin point. For this reason, reach out to us and we will help you find the perfect jogger or stroller or both for you!

Shop in store at 5 Bayview road, Somerset West OR

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Tel: 021 851 7640

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