Bonding and Bliss - Exploring the Advantages of a Co-Sleeper

4 July 2022
by Annelize Van Dyk


co sleeper

There's no experience quite like holding your precious little one in your arms, feeling their gentle breaths against your chest as you both drift into peaceful slumber. As parents, we strive to provide our babies with the utmost care and create a secure environment for them to thrive.

One of the most intimate ways to strengthen the parent-child bond is through co-sleeping, a practice that has been cherished by families across cultures for generations.

In this modern era, the concept of co-sleeping has evolved with innovative solutions that prioritize safety and comfort. And at the forefront of this revolution stands the remarkable invention of baby co-sleepers. These cozy, purpose-built sleepers offer a myriad of benefits, allowing parents and babies to revel in the joys of sharing the same sleeping space while ensuring everyone's well-being.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of co-sleepers, the benefits of renting, essential safe sleeping tips, and an in-depth look at various types of co-sleepers available on the market.

What is a C0-sleeper?

Co-sleepers typically have one open side or a removable side panel that allows easy access to the baby from the parent's bed.


This design facilitates nighttime feeding, soothing, and monitoring of the baby without the need for the parent to get out of bed or travel to a different room.

A co-sleeper, also known as a bedside sleeper or co-sleeping bassinet, is a type of baby bed or crib that is designed to be placed next to the parent's bed, providing a separate sleep surface for the baby while keeping them in close proximity to the parent.

It allows parents to have their baby nearby during sleep while still maintaining a safe and separate sleep environment.

There are different types of co-sleepers available in the market. Some co-sleepers are designed to attach to the parent's bed, while others have standalone designs that can be placed next to the bed.

They often come with adjustable height settings to match the height of the parent's mattress and ensure a secure and level connection.

Why do I need a Co-Sleeper?

Co-sleepers offer a practical solution for nighttime feeds, allowing parents to keep their babies close without the fear of rolling onto them or the need to hold them
throughout the night.

A co-sleeper creates a designated sleep space for your baby within arm's reach, promoting bonding and easing the transition from waking to sleeping.

Here are some reasons why you need a co-sleeper:

1.) Convenience: Having a co-sleeper allows parents to keep their baby within arm's reach during the night. This makes nighttime feedings, soothing, and diaper changes more convenient, as there is no need to walk to a separate nursery or room.

2.) Bonding and comfort: Being close to their parents provides a sense of security and comfort for infants. The proximity facilitates bonding and can make babies feel more relaxed, knowing their caregivers are nearby.

3.) Breastfeeding support: Co-sleepers can be especially beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. When a baby is nearby, it's easier to respond promptly to their feeding cues, which can help establish and maintain a breastfeeding routine.

4.) Safety: Co-sleepers are designed to provide a separate sleeping space for the baby while being securely attached or positioned next to the parents' bed. This reduces the risk of accidental suffocation or injury that may occur when bed-sharing.

5.) Peace of mind: Having a co-sleeper can give parents peace of mind, knowing that their baby is within sight and reach, while still having their own sleep space. It can help alleviate anxiety and make nighttime care more manageable.

Best Baby Co Sleepers

Considering a baby camping cot instead? Read our incredible blog: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Baby Camp Cot

Tips For Choosing A Co-Sleeper

When selecting a co-sleeper for your baby, there are several important factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you choose the right co-sleeper:

1.) Safety features: Safety should be your top priority. Look for a co-sleeper that meets the necessary safety standards and guidelines. Ensure that it has a sturdy frame, secure attachment mechanism (if applicable), and appropriate spacing or mesh sides to prevent entrapment or suffocation risks.

2.) Size and adjustability: Consider the size of the co-sleeper and whether it fits well with your bed or bedroom space. Look for adjustable height settings to ensure a proper alignment with your mattress, allowing for easy access and minimizing any gaps.

3.) Ease of use: Choose a co-sleeper that is user-friendly and easy to assemble, disassemble, and clean. Having removable and washable covers or mattresses can make maintenance more convenient.

4.) Portability: If you plan to travel or move the co-sleeper between rooms, consider its portability. Look for lightweight and foldable options that are easy to transport without compromising safety and stability.

5.) Comfort and support: Check for a comfortable and supportive mattress or sleeping surface. Look for a firm mattress that is appropriately sized for your baby, providing a safe and comfortable sleep environment.

6.) Attachment options: Depending on your preference, choose between co-sleepers that attach to the bed or those with standalone designs. Each option has its own pros and cons, so consider what works best for your situation and sleeping arrangements.

7.) Reviews and recommendations: Read reviews from other parents to get insights into their experiences with different co-sleepers. Additionally, consult with healthcare professionals or parenting communities for recommendations and advice.

8.) Age and weight limitations: Be mindful of the co-sleeper's recommended age and weight limitations. Ensure that the co-sleeper is suitable for your baby's developmental stage and will accommodate their growth.

Exploring Different Types of Co-Sleepers

In this section, we will delve into the various types of co-sleepers available, each offering unique
features and benefits to suit different stages and preferences.

Wooden Co-Sleeper

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For those who prefer a natural and aesthetically pleasing option, wooden co-sleepers provide a timeless and elegant sleep solution. Crafted from high-quality wood, these co-sleepers offer durability, safety, and a touch of sophistication to your nursery.

The use of wood in the construction of co-sleepers offers several advantages. Firstly, wood is known for its sturdiness and durability, providing a reliable sleep surface for your baby.

It is also a natural and environmentally friendly material, which may be appealing to parents who prioritize sustainability.

Infant or Newborn Co-Sleeper - attaches to your bed

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Infant co-sleepers offer a cozy and secure sleep space for newborns and young babies. They are adjustable and can be easily attached to your bed, allowing you to have your baby close for feeding and comforting during the night.

Newborn co-sleepers are specifically designed to create a nest-like sleeping space for your little ones. These co-sleepers offer a sense of security and snugness, helping newborns transition to the outside world with ease.

An infant/newborn co-sleeper bed typically consists of a small and portable bed or crib that can be positioned directly next to the parents' bed.

It is designed to create a safe sleeping environment for the baby while maintaining easy access for parents to attend to their needs, such as feeding, soothing, or monitoring.

The purpose of an infant/newborn co-sleeper bed is to promote bonding, facilitate breastfeeding, and provide convenience for parents during nighttime care.

It allows for immediate and easy access to the baby without the need to leave the bed or go to a separate room, making nighttime feedings or comforting sessions more convenient and less disruptive.

Co-sleeper beds for infants/newborns often feature safety considerations such as secure attachment mechanisms to the parents' bed, sturdy construction, and breathable sides to ensure proper airflow.

Some models may have adjustable heights or tilting options to accommodate different bed heights and provide optimal comfort for both the baby and parents.

Don't forget, bassinets are also an option for your baby's sleeping needs and comfort. Read our fantastic blog to find out more on bassinets: Sweet Serenity: Unraveling the Benefits of Bassinet Sleeping

Co-Sleeper for Older Babies

As your baby grows into an older infant, their sleep needs change. Co-sleepers designed specifically for older babies provide a secure and comfortable sleep environment while meeting their developmental milestones and sleeping patterns.

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A co-sleeper for older babies typically features a larger sleeping surface or bed-like structure that can accommodate the size and mobility of older infants. It is designed to be placed directly next to the parents' bed, providing a dedicated sleeping space for the baby while maintaining close proximity for ease of care and comforting.

The purpose of a co-sleeper for older babies is to facilitate continued bonding, comfort, and convenience for both the baby and parents.

It allows for easy access to the baby during nighttime care, such as feeding, comforting, or soothing, without the need to get out of bed or move to a separate room.

The close proximity also provides reassurance and comfort to the baby, promoting a sense of security and better sleep.

Co-sleepers for older babies often incorporate safety features such as sturdy construction, guardrails or side barriers to prevent rolling out, and secure attachment mechanisms to the parents' bed.

They are designed to provide a safe and supportive sleep environment for older infants while ensuring that the parents' sleep space remains separate and undisturbed.

Co-Sleeper Toddler Bed

As your baby transitions to toddler hood, a co-sleeper toddler bed offers a seamless shift to independent sleeping. These beds provide a familiar and secure space while promoting a sense of autonomy for your growing child.

lia toddler bed co sleeper cribs toddler beds the happy brand 726285 700x

A co-sleeper toddler beds are sold by Happy Brand. They usually feature a sturdy frame with raised sides or guardrails to prevent the child from rolling out during sleep. The bed is designed to be lower in height compared to a regular adult bed, allowing easy access for parents to attend to their child's needs throughout the night. This product is suitable until the age of 7.

As soon as your child has outgrown the toddler bed, you can convert it to a mini-couch by removing the safety rails.

The main purpose of a co-sleeper toddler bed or Toddler Co-Sleeper is to promote a sense of security, comfort, and convenience for both the child and the parents.

It allows for easy interaction and bonding during nighttime care, such as feeding, soothing, or comforting the child.

The close proximity to the parents also provides reassurance and peace of mind, knowing that the child is safe and within reach.

Some models may offer additional features such as storage compartments or adjustable mattress heights to adapt to the growing needs of the toddler.

Dockatot Co-Sleeper

Dockatot co-sleepers have gained popularity for their multi-purpose design. They serve as a comfortable lounging, playing, and napping space for your baby, ensuring a safe and cozy environment.


The DockATot co-sleeper typically consists of a cushioned, oval-shaped mattress surrounded by protective bumpers.

The bumpers are designed to provide a snug and enclosed space, creating a sense of security for the baby. The materials used are often breathable and hypoallergenic, ensuring the baby's comfort and safety.

The DockATot co-sleeper is intended to be placed on a firm and flat surface, such as an adult bed or in a crib, with the aim of facilitating close sleeping arrangements between the baby and the parents.

It offers a convenient solution for parents who want to have their baby nearby during sleep while still providing a separate sleeping space.

One of the key features of the DockATot co-sleeper is its portability. It is lightweight and easy to transport, making it suitable for travel or moving around the house.

The product is also designed with removable covers, allowing for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Bed or Cot Co-Sleeper

A cot that converts into a co-sleeper is a versatile and practical option for parents who wish to have the flexibility of both independent sleeping space and co-sleeping arrangements.

This type of cot typically comes with adjustable features that allow it to be transformed into a co-sleeper when desired.

Bed co-sleepers provide a seamless integration into your bed, creating a shared sleep space while maintaining safety.

They typically feature side panels and secure attachments to ensure that your baby has their own designated area.

One of the primary advantages of a bed co-sleeper is the ability to enhance the parent-child connection. Other advantageous incudes versatility, flexibility and safety.

View our wooden cot co-sleeper.

A cot co-sleeper typically features a crib-like structure with solid sides and a firm mattress, providing a secure and comfortable sleep environment for the baby.

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One side of the cot is open or removable, allowing it to be attached securely to the parents' bed. This configuration allows the baby to sleep next to the parents while maintaining their own separate sleeping area.

The main purpose of a cot co-sleeper is to facilitate bonding, breastfeeding, and easier nighttime care for parents.

The close proximity to the baby enables quick and easy access for feeding, soothing, and monitoring during the night, promoting a sense of closeness and responsiveness.

Cot co-sleepers often have adjustable height settings to ensure proper alignment with the parents' bed.

They are typically designed with safety features such as secure attachment mechanisms, breathable sides, and a gap-free connection to prevent entrapment or suffocation hazards.

Co-Sleeper for Larger Babies

Babies come in different sizes, and co-sleepers designed for larger infants accommodate their growth and provide ample space for comfortable sleep.

A "cot sleeper for larger babies" refers to a specialized sleeping product designed specifically for bigger or heavier infants.

It is a type of cot or crib that accommodates the size and weight of larger babies, providing them with a safe and comfortable sleeping space.

A cot sleeper for larger babies typically features a spacious and sturdy design that can accommodate the increased weight and size of the baby.

It often has a larger mattress surface area and greater weight capacity compared to standard cots or cribs, allowing for a secure and supportive sleep environment.

The purpose of a cot sleeper for larger babies is to provide a suitable sleeping solution that meets the specific needs and size requirements of bigger infants.

It ensures that the baby has sufficient space to sleep comfortably and reduces the risk of feeling cramped or restricted during sleep.

These cot sleepers often adhere to safety standards and guidelines, including sturdy construction, secure attachment mechanisms, and proper mattress support.

With the baby sleeping right next to the adult bed, parents can quickly respond to their needs, offering comfort, feeding, and reassurance without the hassle of getting out of bed.

This closeness can also help regulate the baby's breathing and body temperature, as well as promote a sense of security and ease in the early months of life.

Bed co-sleepers come in various styles and designs to suit different needs and preferences. Some models are designed to attach securely to the side of the adult bed, while others are standalone bassinets that can be placed next to the bed.

They often have adjustable heights and are lightweight and portable, making them easy to move around the house or take on trips.

Crib Co-Sleeper:

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Crib co-sleepers offer the versatility of being used as a standalone crib or attached to your bed for
easy access to your baby.

The primary advantage of a crib co-sleeper is that it promotes a safe sleep environment for the baby while maintaining the benefits of proximity to the parents.

It allows for easy interaction and bonding during the night without the risks associated with bed-sharing.

By providing a separate sleep surface, crib co-sleepers help reduce the chances of accidental suffocation, overheating, or rolling over the baby during sleep.

Interested in a baby cot instead? Read our great blog: Dreamland Haven: Discover the Perfect Baby Cot for Your Baby

Co-Sleeper Pros And Cons


1.) Enhanced bonding: Having a co-sleeper allows you to keep your baby close to you, which can strengthen the parent-child bond. Being in close proximity promotes bonding, comfort, and reassurance for both the baby and the parent.

2.) Convenient nighttime care: With a co-sleeper, nighttime feedings, diaper changes, and soothing your baby can be more convenient. You don't have to go to a separate room or far away to attend to your baby's needs, making it easier to respond promptly and provide comfort during the night.

3.) Promotes breastfeeding: For breastfeeding mothers, a co-sleeper can facilitate nighttime nursing. Having the baby nearby enables easier access for feeding, promoting a smoother breastfeeding relationship and potentially better sleep for both the baby and mother.

4.) Peace of mind: Having your baby within arm's reach in a separate sleep surface can provide peace of mind for parents. You can closely monitor your baby's well-being, ensuring they are safe and comfortable throughout the night.

5.) Transition ease: Using a co-sleeper can help ease the transition from sleeping close to the parents to eventually transitioning to their own sleeping space. It provides a gradual step toward independent sleeping while still maintaining proximity and familiarity.


While co-sleepers can have Pros, there are also some potential drawbacks or cons to consider:

1.) Limited space: Co-sleepers, especially those that attach to the parents' bed, may take up additional space in the bedroom. This can be a concern if you have limited room or if it affects your comfort and movement during sleep.

2.) Safety risks if not used properly: Co-sleepers need to be used according to safety guidelines to minimize the risk of accidents or suffocation. If not used correctly or if safety precautions are not followed, there is a potential for hazards such as entrapment, falls, or the baby getting wedged between the co-sleeper and the bed.

3.) Disrupted sleep: While some parents find co-sleeping convenient, it can also lead to disrupted sleep for both the baby and parents. The close proximity may result in more disturbances, noises, or movements, making it challenging for everyone to get restful sleep.


4.) Dependency on co-sleeper: If a baby becomes accustomed to sleeping in a co-sleeper, it may create a reliance on this specific sleep arrangement. Transitioning the baby to sleep independently in their own crib or bed later on could potentially be more challenging.

5.) Individual sleep preferences: Every family and baby have unique sleep preferences. Some babies may thrive in a co-sleeper, while others might prefer a separate sleeping space. It's important to observe and understand your baby's sleep habits and comfort level to determine if a co-sleeper is the right choice for your family.

Benefits of Renting a Co-Sleeper

Renting a co-sleeper is a cost-effective option, especially considering that these products are typically used for a few months during the early stages of a baby's life.

Renting allows you to have a high-quality, height-adjustable co-sleeper with lockable wheels, ensuring safety and easy mobility within your home.

Here are some of the benefits of renting a co-sleeper:

1.) Cost-effective: Renting a co-sleeper is often more affordable than purchasing one outright. This is especially beneficial for parents who may only need to use the co-sleeper for a short period of time, such as during the first few months of their baby's life.

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2.) Flexibility: Renting provides flexibility in terms of duration. Parents can choose the rental period that suits their needs, whether it's a few weeks, months, or even longer. This way, they can adjust their sleeping arrangements as their baby grows and their needs change.

3.) Space-saving: Co-sleepers are designed to fit snugly alongside the parent's bed, saving space in the bedroom. Renting a co-sleeper allows parents to enjoy this space-saving feature without the need for long-term storage once the baby outgrows it.

4.) Convenience: Renting eliminates the hassle of shopping for a co-sleeper, comparing models, and dealing with the logistics of purchasing and later selling or storing it. Rental services often offer convenient delivery and pick-up options, making the process simple and stress-free.

5.) Hygiene and safety: Reputable co-sleeper rental services ensure that each unit is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized between rentals, providing a hygienic and safe sleeping environment for the baby. This can offer peace of mind to parents who are concerned about cleanliness and safety standards.

6.) Try before buying: Renting a co-sleeper allows parents to test out different models and brands before making a long-term commitment. This can be particularly useful for parents who are unsure of their preferred co-sleeping setup or want to ensure compatibility with their bed or bedroom layout.

We also wrote a comprehensive guide that explains to you all the possible baby gear for sleeping that is on the market - click here: Comprehensive Guide to Newborn Sleeping Options

The Difference Between Co-Sleepers And Co-Sleeping

Co-sleeping refers to the practice of sleeping with your baby nearby. It can be understood in different ways by parents. For some, co-sleeping means having the baby in the same bed, known as bed-sharing. Others opt for co-sleeping with a separate sleep surface for the baby while still keeping them in close proximity.

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This is where co-sleepers come into play. A co-sleeper is a small bed for the baby that can either attach to the parents' bed or rest on the same mattress. It provides a separate sleeping area for the baby while keeping them nearby.

It's important to note that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends sharing the same room with your baby for at least the first six months, if not the first year.

However, the AAP strongly advises against bed-sharing, including the use of co-sleepers that rest on top of the parents' mattress. The safety risks associated with bed-sharing are significant.

If you want to keep your baby close during the night, the best option is to place their bassinet next to your bed or choose a co-sleeper that attaches to the bedside.

Remember, it's crucial never to let your baby sleep in your bed, with or without a co-sleeper, as it poses a substantial safety risk

Safe sleeping tips for your baby

Ensuring your baby's safety during sleep is of utmost importance. Follow these essential tips:

Share your room with the baby, not your bed

Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advocates for room-sharing during the first 6 months of a baby's life? By sharing the same room with your little one, you can significantly reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by up to 50%. Co-sleepers are designed specifically for this purpose, providing a dedicated space that attaches to your bed or sits nearby, allowing you to keep your baby close while ensuring their safety.

Less is more with bedding

To create a safe sleeping environment for your baby, it's important to eliminate unnecessary items from the co-sleeper or crib. Keep cute toys, cot bumpers, cot braids, pillows, and blankets out of the sleeping area. Instead, focus on providing a firm mattress covered with a tight-fitted sheet. This ensures that your baby has a secure and comfortable sleep space, reducing the risk of accidents or suffocation. Remember, simplicity is key when it comes to your baby's sleep environment.

Same environment for sleep

Consistency is key when it comes to establishing a healthy sleep routine for your baby. Make it a habit to place your little one in their co-sleeper or crib for both naps and nighttime sleep. Avoid using activity toys such as bouncers, rockers, swings, or couches as sleep environments. By providing a consistent sleep space, free from distractions, you can help your baby associate their co-sleeper or crib with restful sleep, promoting healthy sleep patterns and ensuring their safety during slumber.

Sleeping position is a priority

It's crucial to always place your baby on their back when it's time to sleep. This sleeping position significantly reduces the risk of choking and enables them to easily cough out or swallow any spit-up. By consistently placing your baby on their back, you provide them with a safe and secure sleeping environment, promoting their well-being and giving you peace of mind.

Bedtime clothes

When dressing your baby for sleep, choose a comfortable one-piece sleepwear that suits the room temperature. It's important to avoid using heavy blankets or clothing that can cause overheating. By selecting appropriate sleepwear, you can ensure your baby's comfort and maintain a safe sleep environment. Remember, keeping them cozy without overheating is key for a restful and peaceful slumber.


Are co-sleepers safe for newborns?

Yes, co-sleepers designed specifically for infants are considered safe when used

Can co-sleepers be used with any bed size?

Most co-sleepers are designed to be adjustable and compatible with different bed sizes, including twin, queen, and king.

What are the benefits of using a co-sleeper?

Co-sleepers promote bonding between parents and infants, make breastfeeding more convenient, and enhance overall sleep quality for both parents and baby.

Are there different types of co-sleepers available?

Yes, there are various types of co-sleepers, such as bedside co-sleepers, in-bed co-sleepers, and standalone co-sleepers..

At what age can a baby start using a co-sleeper?

Co-sleepers are typically suitable for newborns up until they are able to pull themselves up or roll over independently.

Can co-sleepers be used for multiple children?

Yes, many co-sleepers are designed to accommodate multiple children, allowing siblings to share the same sleeping space.

Are co-sleepers portable?

Some co-sleepers are designed to be portable, making them convenient for travel or moving from room to room.

How do I ensure the safety of my baby in a co-sleeper?

It is important to follow safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer, including proper attachment to the adult bed and using a firm, snug-fitting mattress.

Are co-sleepers only for breastfeeding mothers?

No, co-sleepers can be used by all parents, regardless of whether they are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.

Can co-sleepers help with nighttime feedings?

Yes, co-sleepers provide easy access to your baby during nighttime feedings, making it more convenient for parents.

What are the weight and age limits for co-sleepers?

Weight and age limits can vary depending on the specific co-sleeper model. It's important to check the manufacturer's guidelines for the specific product you are using


Co-sleepers offer such a wonderful and convenient sleeping solution for both babies and parents. We love the idea of renting a co-sleeper because you get all the benefits without the hefty price tag of buying one outright.

The great thing about co-sleepers is the wide variety available. You can find the perfect option that suits your baby's needs, ensuring a peaceful and comfortable sleep environment for everyone involved.

It's such a relief to know that you can have your baby close by during the night while still maintaining a safe sleeping arrangement.

Renting a co-sleeper not only saves you money but also provides the flexibility to adapt as your baby grows. You can easily switch to a different sleeping option or return the co-sleeper when it's no longer needed. It's a practical and cost-effective choice that gives you peace of mind.

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